We've all been there. That moment when we hesitate to raise our hand, speak up, or take a leap of faith because we're afraid of not being perfect.
But what if we're missing out on amazing opportunities by not showing up and embracing the learning process?
As a mother of a curious and eager-to-learn three and a half-year-old daughter, I'm reminded of the child within us who always wants to have a go and soak in new experiences. But as we grow older, many of us, including myself, fall into the trap of wanting everything to be perfect before we try. This ironic mindset prevents us from ever reaching perfection because we're not giving ourselves the chance to learn and improve through practice.
It's a common issue, especially among women. Studies show that women are less likely to apply for a job if they don't feel they have 100% of the required skills, while men are comfortable with having only 75% of the required skills.
But what if we could break this pattern and start showing up to our full potentials?
Here's how:
1. Observe: Take note of when your inner perfectionist speaks up. Ask yourself if her thoughts are really true.
2. Label, name it: Give your inner perfectionist a nickname to call her out and make her presence known.
3. Let go: Thank your inner perfectionist for showing up, but make it clear that she's not serving you today. No matter how loud she screams, you know she's holding you back.
4. Keep practising: Every time your inner perfectionist speaks up, remind yourself that she will probably never disappear completely but will get quieter with time.
By showing up, embracing the learning process, and practising regularly, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and growth.
So what are you waiting for? Start your journey today!