One conversation at a time ...
A fireside chat with career shifter
One conversation at a time ... is a live online fireside chat where I talk to women who have made a pivot in their career.
During our conversation, they share their journey, the challenges they had to overcome and the lessons they learned to create work they love.
Find out about the forthcoming fireside chat and join our live session so that you can ask your questions directly to our guest speakers. (to view the replay below click on the image)

Embracing imperfection: a pathway to unleashing creativity
In this conversation, I sat with Iwona Fluda, a public speaker, passionate creator and digital artistry.
Through our conversation we shared our own experiences, how we re-discovered our creativity by letting go of perfection and being vulnerable so we could show-up in our work as our true self and embrace more of our creative side.
How to find your career path when you don't have all the answers?
Prior to setting-up her online marketing business to help small businesses find their online voice, Holly trained as an aromatherapist for 10 years and worked as a teaching assistant.
While Holly's career path is not linear, following her passion, using her skillsets and adopting a growth mindset has helped her build a career she loves.
She has a very holistic approach to business and believes that our uniqueness is our superpower. Today, she has helped hundreds of clients find their voice online and showcase the work they love doing.
How to make a 360 career pivot and find work you love?
Chiaki is a British/Japanese project manager, currently extending her work on illustration and photography as well.
She found her passion in process management and enjoys being a visual communicator, after shifting from being a tax accountant.
After university, she found herself in tax accounting, but early on, she realised it wasn't the right path for her. She had studied mathematics and psychology because of her proficiency in those areas, but her true love lay in humanities, people, history, and literature.
After a decade of engaging in work she didn't enjoy, Chiaki found the courage to acknowledge that she needed to find something she truly loved.
She was ready to discover her passion.
How to overcome imposter syndrome when pivoting career
Natalie is a Utah freelance copywriter and brand strategist. Before changing careers, Natalie worked as an English teacher in a public school.
When Natalie decided to quit her job in Education during Covid to spend more time at home and look after her baby, she quickly realised that she needed to have some sort of project or outlet. She therefore decided to look for a job that would allow her to work from home while still using her english degree and creative side.
After seeing an ad for copy writing, she decided to give it a try. But although she was determined to make it work, she knew she had to overcome her imposter syndrome first in order to see her business grow.
When to know it's time to quit your job
Evie is a recruitment consultant for the Tech industry. Prior to that role, she worked in education for 2 years.
Evie always loved teaching. It started with her love for ballet and teaching dance classes. That's what lead her to the world of education. However after 2 years she found herself living to work unable to have a balance life between work and her passions.
Today she has find that balance again and is still able to impact the life of others through her new role by having the ability to provide others with a new and fresh start in their careers, a topic that resonates with her deeply.
From marketing to visual artist
Francesca Lando is a visual artist. Under the name of Immuto, she creates transformational spaces and stories to explore human connections.
During our conversation, she shares her experiences and the challenges she had to overcome to find work she loves.
To her the four most important steps are: pay attention to your dreams, become familiar with your inner critics, take baby & step-up steps, find support.
From fine art to life & career coach
Naama is a Life & Career coach specialising in transition.
During our conversation, she shares her wisdom and how by learning to quieten the inner critics, the 'should' and 'ifs' she has been able to create work she loves.
She encourages us to become aware of the breadcrumbs in our life, take small actions and accept changes so that we can welcome the new and follow the call of our heart.
From fitness to tech
Raquel is a Strategic Technical Buyer for Zoox.
She worked for over a decade in the Oil & Gas industry in Brazil and six years as a personal trainer before joining the tech space.
She has experienced a ton of changes through out her life and know first hand how changes can be scary and exciting at the same time. She has found that going through those changes has been a humbling experience.
How to turn your side hustle into your main hustle
Caroline is an experienced fundraising leader, having worked in a variety of roles for health charities in the UK and Ireland for 17 years.
She is passionate about storytelling: the power of people's stories, the challenges they face and how philanthropy can help overcome them.
In 2020, Caroline began her journey to becoming a solo entrepreneur.
How to create a life you love without sacrificing who you are?
For as long as Kimberly can remember, she has sought to live a life of both/and, despite others encouraging a life of either/or.
In this conversation, she shares how she learned to embrace being a multi-passionate and found personal and professional success by following her passions.
From business consultant to acupuncturist
In this conversation, Sophie talks about how she bounced back after losing her confidence, she transferred her past experiences and skills into her new career and she found a career she loves aligned to her values.