Do you cringe at the idea of "finding your passion" or "discovering your purpose"?
If so, you're not alone. Many of us feel pressured to uncover that one singular calling—the thing that will light us up and give us direction. But the truth is, the idea of a single, perfect passion can be daunting, especially if you're someone with many interests and a journey that doesn’t follow a straight line.
For some, the path to passion and purpose might be clear, like a well-lit road leading to an exciting destination. But for many of us, the journey is far less linear. It's more like the flight of a hummingbird—curious, exploratory, and full of unexpected turns.
I didn’t fully understand this until I stumbled upon a talk by Elizabeth Gilbert in 2017. Her perspective on curiosity changed everything for me, and it might just change everything for you, too.
The Power of curiosity: my own journey of career exploration
Storytelling, creativity, helping others, and understanding human behaviour were all interests I had—and still have. I initially pursued a career as a museum curator, thinking it would be the perfect way to help artists tell their stories while working closely with people. But little did I know, a linear path wasn’t for me. I needed independence, choice, and the freedom to follow my curiosity.
Instead of taking the traditional museum route, I seized an unexpected opportunity—an internship at an independent cultural management company. That moment marked the beginning of my journey working with entrepreneurs and people who built their own businesses. From there, I moved to the UK, designed products for museum gift shops, and later worked for two major galleries in Mayfair, London. Each step of the way, I followed my curiosity, creating my own roles and embracing new experiences.
Looking back, I now see the underlying thread that connected all these opportunities: I was always creating something new. However, it wasn’t until I worked with a coach that I realised another core pattern—through all my roles, I was helping others step into their light and express their talents. So when I was made redundant and had the opportunity to retrain as a career and mindset coach, I took it. My curiosity had led me to where I am today—helping women uncover their unique gifts and find ways to express them.
Why passion isn’t the only answer
The idea of "finding your passion" can be intimidating. It suggests there's one perfect thing you're meant to do, and if you don’t find it, you’re missing out. But what if, instead of searching for a singular passion, we embraced curiosity?
Curiosity is more forgiving than passion. It allows you to ask questions, explore different paths, and be open to new experiences. It’s the hummingbird approach—flitting from flower to flower, collecting nectar, and discovering the richness each moment offers.
When you follow your curiosity, you're not bound to one destination. Instead, you're allowing yourself to evolve and experience life with openness. It’s not about finding one "true calling." It’s about learning what excites you, what you're drawn to, and what gives you energy. And sometimes, that’s where the magic happens.
Tools that helped me follow my curiosity and explore my career path
Once I embraced curiosity, everything started falling into place. Instead of searching for “the one thing,” I focused on exploration and discovery. Here are a few tools that helped me stay connected to my curiosity and align with my purpose:
Morning pages
Inspired by Julia Cameron's The Artist’s Way, I began writing three pages of free-flowing thoughts every morning. This practice helped me clear my mind and uncover ideas I wasn’t even aware of. Journaling—even for a few minutes a day—can help clarify your thoughts and highlight recurring interests.
I spent time imagining my ideal life and the type of work I wanted to do. What did it look like? How did it feel? Visualisation helped me focus on what truly excited me. Creating a vision board with images and words helped bring my aspirations to life. If you're not a visual person, mapping out your ideas on paper can work just as well.
Understanding my strengths
I took time to reflect on my natural strengths—what energised me and what I was naturally good at. Seeking feedback from others and diving deep into self-reflection helped me recognise the unique gifts I could offer. This gave me the confidence to trust in my abilities and take action.
I gave myself permission to experiment. I took on new projects, volunteered for roles that intrigued me, and explored different fields of interest. Rather than committing to a single path, I let curiosity guide me. Each experiment provided valuable insights, ultimately leading me closer to my true purpose.
Embrace the hummingbird path
Just like a hummingbird flits from flower to flower, gathering nectar, we can allow curiosity to guide us to new experiences. By embracing this approach, we create lives that are richer, more diverse, and filled with meaning.
Your journey doesn’t have to be linear. It doesn’t need to follow one single thread. The beauty of curiosity is that it allows you to explore, learn, and grow without the pressure of finding a perfect destination.
If you’ve ever felt lost or overwhelmed by the idea of finding your passion, I encourage you to follow your curiosity instead. Explore what excites you, take small steps toward new opportunities, and see where the path leads.
Because sometimes, the most unexpected detours lead to the most fulfilling destinations.
Are you ready to follow your own path and need support in finding clarity?