Overcome your limiting beliefs
& unlock your potentials.
I know...
right now you're feeling stuck, running out of ideas
and unclear on what to do next
You're tired of scrolling down the internet, feeling uninspired
You're ready to follow your dreams but you're not sure what it will look like
You've many interests and find it difficult to know how to make sense of it all
You've realised something is missing in your current career but don't know what it is
You're bored in your role and ready to explore new options
Meet the Clarify, Empower & Unleash session
A deep-dive that will leave you feeling confident and clear about your options ready to create and explore new career possibilities.
The clarify, empower & unleash
session - 1:1 coaching with Marie
During this 90 min session, we will explore what is holding you back from taking your next career step. From brainstorming ideas to overcoming your limiting beliefs, this session will help you unlock your potentials and start taking steps towards a more fulfilling career path.
Includes - ​
Pre-call questionnaire
1x 90- minute online session
Follow-up email with notes and action steps
1x follow-up 30- minute online call within a month of first session